Spent an incredible few weeks in Indonesia recently for the upcoming documentary: The Ghost Fleet
Lived on the Kurabesi Explorer and made our way along the coast of West Papua, searching for escaped fishing trade escapees.
Had a fun two days knocking out a spot for Grande Communications. DP was Ellie Ann Fenton, who I had the privilege of toiling on Zero Charisma with. We used the always reliable Alexa on this one.
At long last, my friends Greg Kwedar and Clint Bently finally got to pull the trigger on their passion project. Using the badlands outside of Deming, NM as a backdrop, we told the tale of three Border Patrol officers having a very bad day. Regular temps over a 100 degrees daily.
First time to visit Costa Rica for the documentary Dealt. What a beautiful place! Pura Vida (pure life) is their national motto. We followed Richard and his family playing in the surf, boat safaris and stomach-rolling deep sea fishing.
My trusty 633, SRbs, full Rycote, and lots of sunblock got me through this.
I recently acquired the Pro Sound Effects Hybrid Library and it’s been great wading through it. Look forward to implementing it on sound design stuff in 2015. Peep it here: http://www.prosoundeffects.com/hybrid